Harjula 935-430-1-79
Object number: 250317621
Surface area
11.365 ha
Timber volume
1 139 m³
Offer no later than
7.4.2025 23:59
Price request
68 000 €
Metsätila Virolahden Vilkkilässä.
Kahdesta palstasta muodostuva metsätila Virolahden Vilkkilässä. Tilan puustosta valtaosa on hyvin hoidettua, mäntyvaltaista kangasmetsää. Tilaan on helppo käydä tutustumassa, sillä molemmille palstoille tulee metsäautotie.
Further information
Contains buildings
Land use planning
Road to the site
Own shoreline
Forest resource data
Timber volume
Main tree species | Volume |
Pine (pulpwood) | 588 m³ |
Pine (log) | 305 m³ |
Spruce (pulpwood) | 71 m³ |
Spruce (log) | 32 m³ |
Silver birch (pulpwood) | 114 m³ |
Silver birch (log) | 29 m³ |
Total | 1 139 m³ |
Amount of soil
Soil | Surface area |
Forest land | 9,4 ha |
Low-productive forest land | 1,3 ha |
Wasteland | 0,5 ha |
Total | 11,2 ha |
Forest resource data on a map
Downloadable materials
Sales Brochure
Sales_brochure_250317621_202503141808.pdf (402.8 KB)
Cadastral certificate
935-430-1-79_KO_1740483001905.pdf (43.84 KB)
Planning map
Karttaote_Virolahden_merenrantaosayleiskaava_Harjula_935-430-1-79.pdf (1.06 MB)
Forest estimate
Metsäarvio_Harjula_935-430-1-79.pdf (4.46 MB)
Map of the property
935-430-1-79_ATKT_1740483009827.pdf (694.18 KB)
Plan provision
Virolahti_Merenranta-alueiden_Osayleiskaava.pdf (944.27 KB)
Price details
Price of the object
The asking price is 68 000 €, the offer can be more or less.
Payments to the buyer
Ostaja maksaa kauppahinnan lisäksi kaupanvahvistajan palkkion 138 euroa, varainsiirtoveron 3% kauppahinnasta, sekä lainhuudon haun 172 euroa.
Time limit for the conclusion of the sale
The buyer undertakes, in accordance with the seller's terms of sale, that the real estate transaction must be completed within 6 weeks of the accepted purchase offer. See also rules for the tender procedure.
No questions about this object have been presented yet. Questions can be submitted via the contact form below.